About Solucell

Sustainability and Innovation: these simple words can well describe the philosophy of Solucell.

Solucell is a patented material designed to meet the increasing demand for green and innovative products in the textile world.

Embracing Sustainability

Solucell was born from a simple idea: to make better materials that don’t harm the environment.
Instead of using harmful substances like PVA, Solucell is designed to dissolve easily and is better for the planet.

Solucell catalyzes sustainable production paradigms. Through optimized resource utilization, streamlined processes, and diminished reliance on water and energy, it fosters conscientious manufacturing practices. Furthermore, Solucell yields waste that effortlessly decomposes and seamlessly integrates into the recycling circuit, promoting eco-conscious innovation.
It’s a win-win for both businesses and the environment!

Empowering Innovation

Solucell, as a soluble material, operates like a hidden powerhouse, enabling the creation of new products with superior features and incredible functionalities.
Our dedicated research team continuously explores novel applications where Solucell unlocks previously unimaginable possibilities.
What began as a straightforward concept has evolved into a catalyst for innovation, driving the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Find out more about the possible applications and discover about Solucell’s green network.

©SOLUCELL – 2019 – Website by Sachin Tempini